- Gearboxes: JH, JR, SG
- 221,999 gearboxes
The HORSE Cormecánica powertrain plant in Los Andes, at the foot of the Andes mountain range in Chile, produces gearboxes mainly for Brazil, Argentina and Colombia.
LEGAL FORM AND CAPITAL OWNERSHIP: Wholly owned by New H. Powertrain Holding (S.L.U.)
ACTIVITY: Powertrains
WORKFORCE: 306 people at 31 December 2022
AREA: 1.1 ha of buildings, 9 ha in all
HORSE Chile is deeply committed to the environment. It is currently focused on recycling most of its waste and striving to implement the 3 Rs – Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.
“One of our top priorities is quality. But, at HORSE Chile, quality starts with people.”
1968: Renault set up Industria Automotriz Renault Chile, which assembled the Renault 4L at Arica.
1969: Cormecánica company created, 50% owned by Corfo (State of Chile) 25% by Peugeot 25% by Renault; the plant in Los Andes started up.
1971: Operations transferred from Arica to Los Andes, which assembled the Renault 4L then the Renault 12.
1974: Los Andes produced the first BP360 gearbox.
1979: Automotores Franco Chilena started manufacturing the Renault 18.
1980: Renault took over the Cormecánica plant.
1985: Made first NL gearbox for Trafic.
1988: Made first JB1 gearbox.
1988: Started exporting NG gearboxes to France.
1991: Discontinued local vehicle production.
1992: Ciadea took over Cormecánica.
1998: Renault took over Cormecánica.
2000: Exported JB3 gearboxes to Mexico.
2004: Set up the Importer Countries division in Chile.
2008: Cormecánica started machining JH gearboxes.
2010: JH3 gearbox production for Fluence and JB3 production for Symbol in Argentina.
2011: 500K project.
2012: Cormecánica made Renault Group’s 50,000,000th J gearbox.
2014: SX10 project.
2016: 5 million gearbox milestone; produced the first SG1 gearbox.
2019: 6 million gearbox milestone; celebrated its 50th anniversary.
2021: The Chilean government awarded it “essential company” status.
2022: Launched Women In Industry programme.
2023: 7 million gearbox milestone.
2023: The Cormecánica plant became part of HORSE on 1 July.
Cormecánica plant,
Rue San Rafael N° 1769,
Casilla Correo: 11-A,
2100837 Los Andes,
+ 56 34 2 499111